A downloadable volleyball game for Windows

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ChanceBall is a 2d volleyball game.


  • Bots with varying difficulty options and different playstyles.
  • 2 player local coop.
  • Play with or against bots.
  • Play for time or for points.
  • Play with different abilities and find your favorite.



  • Move: A/D
  • Jump: W
  • Down: S
  • Hit: F
  • Set: G
  • HighBall/Recieve: H
  • Ability: V


  • Move: LeftArrwo/RightArrow
  • Jump: UpArrow
  • Down: DownArrow
  • Hit:  numpad 7
  • Set:  numpad 8
  • HighBall/Recieve: numpad 9
  • Ability: numpad 4

Future plans:

  • Online PvP
  • Add more abilities
  • Release on different platforms
Updated 25 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
AuthorsAndriusius, Medvegalis
GenreSports, Action
Tags2D, Indie, Local Co-Op, Singleplayer, Two Player, volleyball
Average sessionA few minutes
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 2


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

ChanceBall_ability_update_windows.zip 31 MB

Development log


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it would be great if you can make it can be played using a controler

very fun game best game to play with friends very competetive waiting for online multiplaye

How to fix chance ball? I got black screen after the launch


The game is very enjoyable. I hope multiplayer and Android features will come soon. I want to fight with my friends and other people on different devices. It would be great if character customization also comes.


This damn game is too good, it would be good if they released a version for Android/iOS and added multiplayer with different rankings. I assure you it could be one of the top 10 haha. Ty so much creators!

heyo if you've got discord i would love to collab or smthn

we have: https://discord.gg/5PXVBnHZHG

Great game on windows but make a mac port pleas

it  says unity dill not found

Try to unzip the file again.

how do i use the abilities

If you have the old version download the game from this site again to get the version with abilities. If you already downloaded the version with abilities check what is your ability button in keybinds menu.


im dying for the mac release please please dev


Mac download still doesn’t work :(

Placebo or Mental illness?

yo do you have discord i need to talk to you

Why does it include a Troyan virus?


If you downloaded it from here then it's a false positive(false alarm). You can check on virustotal or you can try using other antivirus programs.


cant wait for the online update

me too


ngl perfect game

i cant get to set the bal high for a spike please help


to set higher you need to let the ball fall lower and the press the set button

Depuis que j'ai installé la dernière version, et que je démarre une partie, mes personnages ne peuvent pas bouger.  Est ce que vous pourriez réglez cela s'il vous plait. 

Check if your antivirus didin't delete any files

(1 edit)

when i start the game my characters don't move please help

(1 edit)

Does this happen on all the gamemodes ? Have you tried to change the keybinds?

No its fine thanks turns out my antivirus removed a certain file 


where is macOS download for ability update, also pls make it support the newest version of macOS pls and thanks

the game when powers drop... sigma


Cant wait for the powers to drop


really fun, game doesnt fit screen well


its a good game bro but it need to better contral (its HARD)


I absolutely love the concept of this game, it's extremely satisfying. I have left you  a message on Instagram because want to help out with some sound design if you'd be interested? I think the game can really suit my style of sound design and really want to show you my ability - I am willing to work for free, as I mainly want experience creating sounds for games and learning what goes on with the development behind closed doors for my future career.

The game is making amazing progress, keep it up!!

My email is also on my profile if you'd rather that too.




Bro, make a free demo for the poors peoples ( me )


The game is free to play. The price is only for donations. There is  a button above the price to download without donating.

You think will ever be able to be played on browser 

the game does not fit my screen at all


MacOS download doesn’t work? I have M1


Please add controller support (sorry for bad English).